Postpartum resources

Defining the period of postpartum is nuanced. Medically it may be defined to be as little as the first 6 weeks following birth, other times it’s refer to it as the fourth trimester. More recently the recognition that postpartum and its effects, known as postpartum-depletion can be felt for years following birth. The effects of postpartum are compounded if there are multiple pregnancies and births in a few short years.

Postpartum is vastly overlooked in Western culture and birthing women are often left to struggle through unprepared and alone. Leaving many feeling confused and overwhelmed, at a time when they should be feeling their most supported and held. Raising our children in solitude is a modern construct and one that has been made even more challenging by societies expectation that the birthing mother/person should “bounce back” physically and emotionally following the birth of their baby and be able to raise their child, go back to work and have everything in order!

The most important thing to remember wherever you are in your postpartum journey is that you don’t have to struggle through solo and that seeking support or asking for help isn’t a failure or make you less of a parent.

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before, the woman existed but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” - Osho


Resource List

Associations and Organisations

PANDA - Supporting the mental health of patients and families during pregnancy and the first year of parenthood.

Gidget Foundation - A not-for-profit that supports the emotional wellbeing of expectant and new parents.

Online Courses & Downloads

Mother Down Under - Postpartum planning online course

Books/ Articles

The Postnatal Depletion Cure - Dr Oscar Serrallach

The 4th Trimester - Kimberly Ann Johnson

The First 40 Days - Heng Ou

Mama Rising - Amy Taylor Kabbaz


Postpartum Stories with Steph.

Tales from the fourth trimester

Breast feeding

The Thompson Method - Online course and FB community

Lactation Consultants of Aus & NZ - Find a IBCLC in your area

Katie James - The Feeding Couch online course.


Birth Trauma resources