Birth Trauma resources

Birth trauma may be physical or psychological and often it’s both. The impacts of birth trauma are long lasting and far reaching, stretching well beyond the mother-baby dyad, impacting families, care providers and society as a whole.

Birth trauma is currently experienced at a rate of 1 in 3 and Obstetric violence is reported to be at 1 in 10. These figures are staggeringly high and at epidemic levels in Australia.

Parents that experience birth trauma are more likely to experience postpartum depression, anxiety, PTSD and challenges with newborn bonding. Repeated exposure to birth trauma can lead to vicarious trauma and have negative effects for care providers emotional and physical wellbeing.

Due to the far reaching and long lasting effects of birth trauma it is imperative that we take a multifactorial approach when it comes to reducing, preventing and healing birth trauma.

“It is my hope that through awareness, understanding and empowering education for birthing women/people & care providers we can reduce, prevent & heal birth trauma.”

photo of a woman breastfeeding a baby.

Resource List

Associations and Organisations

Australian Birth Trauma Association - Is a charity dedicated to supporting women, partner and families following birth related trauma.

PANDA - Supporting the mental health of patients and families during pregnancy and the first year of parenthood.

Gidget Foundation - A not-for-profit that supports the emotional wellbeing of expectant and new parents.

Maternity Choices Australia - Committed to best practice maternity care to support maternal mental health and wellbeing.

Books/ Articles

The Postnatal Depletion Cure - Dr Oscar Serrallach

Birth Shock - Mia Scotland


Birth Time Podcast - Series 1, Episode 1, 2 & 3 on Birth Trauma, NSW Senate inquiry into Birth Trauma and the BESt Study.

Counseling Services

Birth debriefing with Rhea Dempsey

Birth debriefing with Core and floor restore

Birth debriefing with Dr Athena Hammond


Postpartum resources