I’m unique, energetic and passionate.

I’m a mum to a toddler and two fur babies. When I’m not in clinic you’ll find me at the beach or roaming a vintage fashion market searching for treasures.  

I’m a registered acupuncturist, and a yoga & pilates instructor. I have worked in health and wellbeing for over 20 years and have always had a strong pull towards women’s health. Fertility, pregnancy and birth are my true loves and I absolutely adore getting to walk this (at times bumpy) road with my patients. 

I’am currently studying my Masters in women’s health medicine as one of my life long goals is to continue to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western medicine. I truly believe they both have a lot to offer and by working collaboratively patients will benefit from enhanced care and more positive outcomes.

My Fertility Story

I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovaries at a young age and like many women from my generation I went on the pill as a teenager and masked any underlying symptoms. I was in my early 20’s when I decided to come off the pill as I wanted to understand my normal cycle. That’s when things got complicated, it took me years to unravel everything the pill had been masking and establish that I had irregular menstrual cycles and that my diet and my ability to handle stress had a lot to do with my symptoms.

It was from this process of getting to know my body and rediscovering my menstrual cycles that my passion for women’s health was born.

Our journey to pregnancy

Knowing I had irregular cycles meant my fertility journey may not have been straight forward so it was important for us to be proactive when trying to conceive. Understanding the importance of preconception care, both myself and my partner commenced this 6 months prior to when we thought we would like to start trying. We also decided to see a fertility specialist as a proactive measure to ensure we were across anything that needed to be addressed prior.

Prior to conceiving our daughter we experienced miscarriage, I know first hand the struggles and anxieties that can come with pregnancy after loss. Supporting women and partners though these challenging times is close to my heart.

I believe birth has the potential to be one of the most transformational moments of our lives and all women deserve the opportunity to birth how they chose, where they choose and with whom ever the choose to invite into their birth space.

Movement has always been an integral part of my life and it’s something I infuse through all of my work.

Birthing in the Western world our ways of life are more sedentary, we sit on chairs and do a lot less physical movement and labour as part of our day jobs. As a result our bodies are often tight and weak in areas where mobility and strength is required for an optimal pregnancy and birth.

I am a qualified yoga and Pilates instructor and I believe movement is a fundamental part of any fertility journey and it plays such an important role during pregnancy and as a preparation for birth, I weave movement, meditation and breath-work into my treatments

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